CS 489 -- Schedule (Spring 2017)
Tentative - subject to change as course progresses
Date | Description | Weeks |
2/8/2017, 2/10/2017 | Introduction and machine learning basics | Week 1 |
2/13/2017, 2/15/2017, 2/17/2017 | Mathematics background, Bayesian decision theory and Naive Bayesian learning | Week 2 |
2/20/2017, 2/22/2017, 2/24/2017 | Probablistic theory applications on a murder mystery, and Bayesian networks No classes, President's Day on 2/20 | Week 3 |
2/27/2017, 3/01/2017, 3/03/2017 | EM algorithm and Bayesian networks, Decision trees | Week 4 |
3/06/2017, 3/08/2017, 3/10/2017 | Linear and logistic regression, Introduction to Neural Network I | Week 5 |
3/13/2017, 3/15/2017, 3/17/2017 | Introduction to Neural Networks II Literature Review | Week 6 |
3/20/2017, 3/22/2017, 3/24/2017 | Neural network Invited talk for applications of machine learning as final project | Week 7 |
3/27-3/31/2017 | Spring break | Week 8 |
4/3/2017, 4/5/2017, 4/7/2017 | Advices for machine learning Support Vector Machine | Week 9 |
4/10/2017, 4/12/2017, 4/14/2017 | Project proposal presentation (mid term) Easter Break for 4/14 | Week 10 |
4/17/2017, 4/19/2017, 4/21/2017 | Clustering | Week 11 |
4/24/2017, 4/26/2017, 4/28/2017 | Selected topic - Graphic model | Week 12 |
5/1/2017, 5/3/2017, 5/5/2017 | Literature Review Catch up for classes and projects | Week 13 |
5/8/2017, 5/10/2017, 5/12/2017 | Review and selected topic(possible:genetic algorithm) | Week 14 |
5/15/2017, 5/17/2017, 5/19/2017 | Final project presentation (Report due on May 24th) | Week 15 |
Final exam week | Wednesday, May 24th, 2:00pm - 3:50pm | Week 16 |