Welcome to CS 330: Artificial Intelligence

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CS 330 -- Schedule (spring2025)

Tentative - subject to change as course progresses

Date Description Weeks
2/6/2025Introduction and machine learning basics, learning Python IWeek 1
2/11/2025, 2/13/2025Learning Python II, wrap-up and Lab 1Week 2
2/18/2025, 2/20/2025Quiz 1 on Python programming. Machine Learning basics and Probablistic theory and Naive Bayesian algorithmWeek 3
2/25/2025, 2/27/2025Quiz 2, review homework and labs. Lab 2Week 4
3/4/2025, 3/6/2025Model-based application; Lab 03 for data processing and Github. Course projectWeek 5
3/11/2025, 3/13/2025Bayesian network learning, EM algorithm; Literature review and course projectWeek 6
3/18/2025, 3/20/2025Decision tree; Lab 4 for decision treeWeek 7
3/25/2025, 3/27/2025 (Spring break, no class)Logistic and Linear regression; Practical machine learning and work on Lab 4, literature reviewWeek 8
4/1/2025, 4/3/2025Literature Review presentation and course project proposal presentation on ZoomWeek 9
4/8/2025, 4/10/2025Quiz 3 and review final course project; Introduction to Neural Network; Deep learning, recurrent neural networkWeek 10
4/15/2025, 4/17/2025Support Vector Machine, ClusteringWeek 11
4/22/2025, 4/24/2025Quiz 4, Catch up for classes and projects. Thanks giving break at 11/22Week 12
4/29/2025, 5/1/2025Ethics in AI, and other selected topic(possible:reinforcement learning, genetic algorithm)Week 13
5/6/2025, 5/8/2025Catch upWeek 14
5/13/2025, 5/15/2025Final project presentationWeek 15
Final exam weekTuesday, May 20th, 15:30 p.m. - 17:30 p.m.Week 16