Welcome to CS 330: Artificial Intelligence

CS 330 -- Getting help

    Here are some resources if you need help in the class.

  1. OFFICE HOURS: Please come see your professor right away if you are having trouble in the class or if you have a question about an assignment or the class in general. Check your professor's online schedule for office hours, which may vary slightly from week-to-week. Also feel free to email your professor to make an appointment if you can't make it during the scheduled times.
  2. EMAIL: I am happy to answer questions via email and will generally get back to you within 24 hours, although I usually don't answer email on Saturdays. If you have a question about your program (e.g., it won't compile or gives incorrect output), please attach your java file(s) and a detailed description of the error message(s) or problem. A screenshot of the output and information about how you have tried to fix the problem are also helpful.
  3. Student Care Network: PLU has established the Student Care Network (SCN) to work with students and partners for a successful academic, social, and emotional experience at PLU. Students, faculty and staff can submit a Care Form (available on the main page of the PLU web-site under EPass) if they have concerns (academic, emotional, physical or social) related to the well-being of a PLU student. The SCN will work with campus partners to support a culture of care and response for all community members. Please go to: https://www.plu.edu/srr/student-care-network/ to learn more or to submit a report.
  4. Center for Student Success: PLU has established the Center for Student Success to serve as a campus-wide network of units dedicated to helping students succeed. The website is: www.plu.edu/student-success.