""" This python code is used as practice, especially for writing functions by Python. """ import sys # Define a main() function to test all of your functions. def main(): # implement this main function to test each function Hello3() # this is an example of testing function Hello3 test123 = GetMultiple3(1,2,3) # this is example of testing GetMultiple3 print test123 # this is example of testing GetMultiple3 def Hello3(): # implement this function to print the word "Hello" three times. # This is a void function def HelloName(inputName): # implement this function to print "Hello name!", here the name is provided # by user's input - inputName. This is a void function def Multiple3(a,b,c): # impement this function to calculate the multiplication of three inputs #and print out the result. This is a void function def GetHello3(): # implement this function to return the word "Hello" three times # this is a non-void function. def GetHelloName(inputName): # implement this function to return the word "Hello name!". Here the name is # provided by user's input - inputName. this is a non-void function. def GetMultiple3(a,b,c): # impement this function to calculate the multiplication of three inputs #and return the result. This is a non-void function # This is the standard boilerplate that calls the main() function. if __name__ == '__main__': main()