from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import collections def process_line( line, l1, l2): words = line.split() count = 0 for word in words: if count % 2 == 0: l1.append(float(word)) # convert to float number else: l2.append(float(word)) count+=1 def process_file( filename,l1,l2): fp = open(filename,'r') for line in fp: line = line.strip() process_line(line, l1, l2) l1 = list() l2 = list() process_file("data.txt",l1,l2) print "list 1" + str(l1) print "list 2" + str(l2) # now draw the line plot xs = [i for i,_ in enumerate(l1)] plt.plot(xs,l1,"g-",label="list 1") plt.plot(xs,l2,"r-",label="list 2") plt.legend(loc=9) plt.xlabel("example ") plt.title("Example of l1 and l2 line plot") # now create bar plot xs = [i+0.1 for i,j in enumerate(l1)],l2) plt.ylabel("values in list") plt.title("Test of bar plot") plt.xticks([i+0.5 for i,x in enumerate(l1)],l2) # now create decile plot decile = lambda grade:(grade//10)*10 hist = collections.Counter(decile(grade) for grade in l2)[x-4 for x in hist.keys()], hist.values(), 8) plt.axis([-5,200,0,20]) plt.xticks([10*i for i in range(20)]) # now create a scatter plot plt.scatter(l1,l2) labels=[] for i,_ in enumerate(l1): labels.append('N' + str(i)) #print label for label,l11,l22 in zip(labels,l1,l2): plt.annotate(label,xy=(l11,l22), xytext=(-5,5), textcoords='offset points')